Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I plan on spending a Glorious amount of time in my darkroom.
I'm not sure if it's because I enjoy watching the light and chemicals burn everyday life onto sheets of white paper, or just being able to sit there and think for hours on end while the film is developing and papers are drying.
Honestly, It can get pretty boring. But in the end, I feel like an accomplished artist. Even if my hand never touches a brush or a pen.

OH yes, I forgot. Huntington beach at five.
Hopefully the beach will be a promising place to capture life.

Monday, June 14, 2010

portraits of people I know and love.

Jeni Muller At Zypher Cafe

Location: Pasadena, CA
Camera: Canon AE-1
Lens: 24mm Prime 2.8

This is a wonderful friend of mine who plans on taking over the world.
location: Pasadena, Ca
Camera: Mamiya Rb67 Medium format camera
Lens: 90mm Portraiture lens

Dance Macabre!
Josh dancing on the street at Kyle and Alyssa's wedding
Location: San Franciso, CA
Camera: Canon AE-1
Lens: 50mm Prime 1.8

Notes: This Enlargment was Developed in D76 film Developer instead of paper develper for the worn vintage feel.

I miss living so free.

Location: Pennsylvania
Camera: Canon AE-1
Lens: Canon 50mm Prime 1.8